Have you made some RESOLUTIONS for 2015?

I continually challenge friends and family to make “new year’s resolutions” and to write them down. I’m not sure where it was, however I do remember reading a while back that statistically speaking, those who write down and record their resolutions are more likely to to get them accomplished.

Here is a link to 2014’s resolution list, https://mianogonewild.wordpress.com/2014/01/07/ensuring-completeness-in-2o14-resolutions/

Last year my motto was to “Begin with the end, to the ends of the earth”, which pointed to my debate with Pastor Bruce Bennett early in the year and our 1st annual Power of Preterism Conference at The Blue Point Bible Church. Preterism has grown so much this last year, I can’t even begin to tell you all the encouraging emails and phone calls I get about how Preterism is changing the world. Glory to God. As of this morning, the debate I had with Pastor Bennett is at 7, 149 views. Wow

If you had not had ample opportunity to watch through the debate, here is the link:



I am glad to say that the first resolution I started out with last year was to get a bit organized in regards to my paperwork and so forth, and for the most part I have accomplished that. I must admit though, this is a resolution every year. This year I want to carry that a bit futher.

1.) I am excited to begin a new focused method of study. This year I am taking the Blue Point Bible Church through the whole narrative story of Scripture- therefore all my studies will be organized to fir into the narrative. My only other area of intense study this year (outside of occasional discussions and readings) is the Catholic Catechism.

2. ) Also, I have already begin talking to B.P.B.C.about “ministry meetings” and seeking to better manage what we offer as a congregation. Obviuously this will requite organize many papers. Starting ministries and persevering, as well as developing “office hours”.

Clarity, Movement, Alignment, and Focus in all things!


I don’t believe this is something that will ever not be a resolution. I believe it is a necessity to constantly be growing in the grace and knowledge of God, as that pertains to Scripture, and to our walks in life. Therefore I am always seeking our information, insights, and wisdom about how to grow into my pastorate. However, I do believe I did a decent job this year. We surely learned a lot this year at The Blue Point Bible Church.

3.) Meeting with other ministers and attending conferences has done a great service to helping me both understand and walk in my calling this year. I pray to continue having that experience, as well as delving into Richard Baxter’s ‘The Reformed Pastor’ and other pastoral helps. From some insights I gained earlier in the week, it seems Charles Spurgeon might have a lot to offer in that area as well. Unfortunately, as I read through last years “resolutions”, this was the goal for 2014. Well….persevere!

4.) Also, a resolution of mine last year was to organize & continue the work of the Freaked Out Movement as well as Miano Gone Wild Radio Program. Well, we might call it a “growth spurt” but I have decided to end those ministries, and start with what I see as more matured efforts. Now, The Power of Preterism Network and Bible Beacon Broadcasts are my focus.

The Power of Preterism Network exists to help support furthering the cause of Full Preterism as a powerful reformational tool within Christianity. You can learn more as this develops by visiting www.powerofpreterism.com

Also, Bible Beacon Broadcasts has a host of Preterist speakers doing shows. I air on Tuesday mornings at 8am eastern. Visit www.blogtalkradio.com/templetalk for more info

5. ) Last year I had endeavored upon “journaling the Scriptures”, however I was not able to complete this. Maybe this will be an idea I can pick up in the future, because this year I am looking to publish a new book, “Wicked: A Biblical Narrative” by the end of 2015. ‘Wicked’, will be a book about the fate of the wicked, and what the says to our world today. I promise this will not be some “fire and brimstone stuff”, instead will challenge you in regards to how you may live out the Gospel message, and how you can play a role in changing the world for the glory of God.

Also, I did not rewrite or republish, Freaked Out by the New Covenant, and at the moment I do not see a pressing need, however might embark upon this during the year.


This is surely an area that can always use work. Last year, I started out my resolutions with the following quote:

If through one man’s life there is little more love and kindness, a little more light and truth in the world, then he will not have lived in vain”. – Alfred Delp

I believe living by that quote in 2015 is a glorious thing as well. I like a quote I found a couple days ago by Jonathan Edwards:

Resolved: to study the Scriptures so steadily, constantly, and frequently, as that I may find , and plainly perceive, myself to grow in the knowledge of the same”.

6.) John Piper has developed the thoughts of “Christian Hedonism”, which is something I have spoke about many times before. The warp and woof of Christian Hedonism is bringing glory to God. We were made to be “set free by truth”, living abundantly, with joy and gladness. “God is most satisfied when you are most satisfied in Him”, therefore I endeavor to live out this “Christian hedonist mindset” this year. Also, in doing so I look to continue to be creative in developing Spiritual disciplines. I think of things like taking a walk to the water to relax and pray, stick to Common prayer and continue doing it with friends and family, and so on.

7.) I absolutely love reading through biographical tales of men and women who either lived God glorifying lives, or simple achieved their goals. I was excited when I read the following quote, “Hebrews 11 is a divine mandate to read Christian biography. The unmistakable implication of the chapter is that if we hear about the faith of our forefathers (and mothers), we will “lay aside every weight, and sin, and run with endurance the race that is set before us (Hebrews 12:1).”

8.) And finally, I want to take the opportunity to read through a Gospel a week, therefore reading all four Gospels every month. Also, I will make time throughout the year to read through and utilize resources that help give me information on living in Christ.

9.) A major resolution that I wanted to create distinction on is that I want to truly take time to spend, share, and appreciate family and friends. I feel like sometimes I am “too busy” to truly enjoy the wonderful people I have around me. I resolve to spend more time fellowshipping, and less time being a busybody.

That about sums up this years resolutions. Surely it is looking to be an exciting year! Amen?

I look forward to others sharing their resolutions!

Blessings in and through the Son,

Pastor Michael Miano

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One response to “Have you made some RESOLUTIONS for 2015?

  1. Theresa OBrien-Rivera

    Hi Pastor Mike!

    Your resolutions sound awesome and I wish you much success with all of them. Walking down to the water is such a nice idea… you truly will feel peace down there. Maybe one day we can get some people together, walk down to Corey Beach and sit at the picnic tables and do a little Bible study. I’ve done it before and it’s awesome!

    Question…what is herodism? You mentioned it in one of your resolutions.

    Have a blessed and productive day!

    Sister Terri

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